Welcome to the Access Financials GraphQL API
We're excited to introduce you to our powerful new API, designed to help you automate and streamline your business workloads.
Our GraphQL API provides a flexible, efficient, and powerful interface for interacting with Access Financials. With GraphQL, you can request exactly what you need, and nothing more. This results in faster, more efficient operations, and can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network.
The Access Financials GraphQL API provides access to a wide range of functionalities, including managing customers, suppliers, sales transactions, purchase transactions, nominal transactions, sales orders, and purchase orders.
We've also prepared a variety of sample projects and code snippets to help you get started. These samples demonstrate how to use our API to perform common tasks, and provide a practical, real-world context for learning how to use our API.
We're excited to see what you'll build with the Access Financials GraphQL API. Stay tuned for more updates and features in the future!
Happy coding!